


Explanation of react setState

Today I want to share with you the setState method in react. This is a very important method that allows us to update the state in a component and trigger a re-render.

The setState method accepts two types of parameters, one is an object and the other is a function. If we pass an object, react will merge this object with the current state and update the state. For example:

this.setState({name: 'Alice'});

This will update the name property in the component's state to 'Alice', and other properties will not be affected.

If we pass a function, react will treat this function as an updater. It takes two parameters, the current state and the current props, and we can return a new state object based on these two parameters. For example:

this.setState((prevState, props) => {
return {count: prevState.count + props.increment};

This will add the increment value from the props to the count property in the component's state, and then update the state.

When should we use an object or a function? Generally, if our state update does not depend on the current state or props, we can use an object, which is more concise. If our state update depends on the current state or props, we should use a function, which is safer. This is because react may batch the setState calls, resulting in unexpected results if called multiple times. For example:

this.setState({count: this.state.count + 1});
this.setState({count: this.state.count + 1});

This may not add 2 to the count, but only 1, because the second setState call is made before the this.state.count is updated. So we should write it like this:

this.setState((prevState) => {
return {count: prevState.count + 1};
this.setState((prevState) => {
return {count: prevState.count + 1};

This ensures that the count is incremented by 2.

The setState method also has an optional second parameter, which is a callback function that is executed after the state is updated and re-rendered. We can perform some follow-up operations in this callback function, such as sending network requests or printing logs. For example:

this.setState({name: 'Bob'}, () => {
console.log('Name updated to ' +;

This will print 'Name updated to Bob' in the console after the name is updated to 'Bob' and re-rendered.

The setState method is one of the most commonly used and important methods in react components. It allows us to manage the state in a component and re-render the component based on state changes. We need to understand its parameter types and usage, and choose the appropriate way to update the state based on different situations.

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