


What is the difference between Number() and parseInt() when converting strings?

Number() and parseInt() are two different functions in JavaScript used to convert strings to numbers, and they have some differences when it comes to handling strings.


  • The Number() function converts the entire string into a number.
  • If the string contains non-numeric characters (except leading spaces and signs), it returns NaN.
  • If the string can be fully parsed into a number, it returns that number.


  • The parseInt() function parses the integer part of a string until it encounters the first non-numeric character.
  • You can specify an optional radix (base) to parse the string.
  • If the string starts with a non-numeric character, parseInt() returns NaN.

Example Explanation#

Example 1#

let a = "1hola1";
console.log(Number(a)); // Output: NaN
console.log(parseInt(a)); // Output: 1


  • Number("1hola1") returns NaN because the entire string "1hola1" cannot be converted into a valid number.
  • parseInt("1hola1") returns 1 because it parses from the beginning of the string until it encounters the non-numeric character h.

Example 2#

let a = "1";
console.log(Number(a)); // Output: 1
console.log(parseInt(a)); // Output: 1


  • Both Number("1") and parseInt("1") return 1 because the string "1" is a valid number without any non-numeric characters interfering with the parsing.


  • Using Number() converts the entire string into a number, returning NaN if the string contains any non-numeric characters.
  • Using parseInt() parses the integer part of the string from the beginning until it encounters a non-numeric character.

Other Examples#

console.log(Number("123.45")); // Output: 123.45
console.log(parseInt("123.45")); // Output: 123

console.log(Number("   123   ")); // Output: 123
console.log(parseInt("   123   ")); // Output: 123

console.log(Number("123abc")); // Output: NaN
console.log(parseInt("123abc")); // Output: 123

console.log(Number("abc123")); // Output: NaN
console.log(parseInt("abc123")); // Output: NaN

These examples demonstrate the differences in behavior between Number() and parseInt() when dealing with different strings.

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